Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Rotate an image in JAVA

//write one program that will rotate an image 180 degrees in a clockwise direction (or counter clockwise
//direction since both give the same result) and one program that will rotate an image 90 degrees in a
//counter-clockwise direction.

public class Lab10a

public static void main (String[] args)

System.out.println("bilal abuzenah");

// Access and open the picture
String filename = FileChooser.pickAFile ();
Picture p = new Picture (filename);

// call the method to modify the Pictture
Picture p2;
p2 = modifyPicture (p);

// explore (display) the picture
String saveFilename = FileChooser.pickAFile ();
p2.write (saveFilename);
// get a new filename and save the picture
//String saveFilename = FileChooser.pickAFile ();
//p2.write (saveFilename);

} // end of main

public static Picture modifyPicture (Picture p)
// get the width and height of the picture
int width = p.getWidth();
int height = p.getHeight();
//System.out.println ("The picture is " + width + " pixels wide and " + height + " pixel high.");

System.out.println ("Width: " + width + ", Height: " + height);

// create the new Picture that will be returned
Picture resultPicture;
resultPicture = new Picture (width, height);

// Set up a loop to access all the X position
int xPos;
int yPos;
int xNew;
int yNew;
Pixel pix;
Pixel pix2;
int red;
int green;
int blue;

for ( xPos = 0 ; xPos < width ; ++xPos )
for ( yPos = 0 ; yPos < height ; ++yPos )
// access the pixel to be modifed
pix = p.getPixel (xPos, yPos);

xNew = (width - 1) - xPos;
yNew = (height - 1) - yPos;
pix2 = resultPicture.getPixel (xNew, yNew);

// get the colr values from the original pixel
red = pix.getRed();
green = pix.getGreen();
blue = pix.getBlue();

// set those color values into the result pixel

//System.out.println ("The picture is " + xNew + " pixels wide and " + yNew + " pixel high.");


return resultPicture;
} // end of modifyPicture

} // end of class

cropping an image using java

//This lab assignment will have you write at least two methods in java that will create a new image that will
 //show a portion from another image. This technique is called cropping.
//** a specific image was used for this, u need to change the values!!

import java.awt.Color;

public class Lab11
public static void main (String[] args)

// use the string files to get the first picture,
String filename = FileChooser.pickAFile();
Picture p1 = new Picture (filename);

Picture p2 ;
int x1, x2;
int y1, y2;
// determine the values by using p1.explore()

//Input your values of X, Y of the part you want to crop from the image.

x1 =123 ;
x2 = 621;
y1 = 134;
y2 = 292;

// call method
p2 = cropImg (p1,x1,y1,x2,y2);

//use explore to determine the part you want crop

//display the picture

// show the original image
// get a new filename and save the picture
String saveFilename = FileChooser.pickAFile ();
//p2.write (saveFilename);

} // end of main

// alternate way to access the pixels from three different pictures
public static Picture cropImg (Picture p1,
int x1, int y1,
int x2, int y2)
// set up my return variable
Picture p2;

// set dimensions of the new created picture and copy pixels over to p2
p2 = new Picture ((x2-x1),(y2-y1));

// access pixels.
Pixel pixelArray[] = p1.getPixels();

for (int i = 0 ; i < pixelArray.length ; i++)
// access the original pixel and information from that pixel
Pixel pix1 = pixelArray [i];
int red = pix1.getRed ();
int green = pix1.getGreen ();
int blue = pix1.getBlue ();
int xPos = pix1.getX();
int yPos = pix1.getY();

// access the portion of the picture to be cropped
if ( ((xPos >= x1) &&
(xPos < x2)) &&
((yPos >= y1) &&
(yPos < y2)) )
// detirmine the new location for the pixels
int X3;
X3 = xPos-x1;
int Y3;
Y3 = yPos-y1;

Pixel pix2 = p2.getPixel (X3, Y3);

// Set colors
pix2.setRed (red);
pix2.setGreen (green);
pix2.setBlue (blue);


} // end of for loop

return p2;

} // end of cropImg method

} // end of class

combine two sound files to add a "background" soundtrack to a foreground sound.

//This lab will have you combine two sound files to add a "background" soundtrack to a foreground sound.
 //The following files of the Gettysburg Address and the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution are great
 //foreground sound files.

public class Lab13

public static void main (String args[])
System.out.println("Begin Java Execution");

// put your Java Program here

// pick the first file.
String filename = FileChooser.pickAFile();
Sound foregroundSound = new Sound (filename);

// pick the background sound file.
String filename2 = FileChooser.pickAFile();
Sound backgroundSound = new Sound (filename2);

// combine the sounds
// Call a method to combine the two sounds
Sound s3;
s3 = combinesound (foregroundSound, backgroundSound);
// Play the sound


// save the new sound file

String saveFilename = FileChooser.pickAFile ();
s3.write (saveFilename);

System.out.println("End Java Execution");

// Start a combinesound method.

public static Sound combinesound (Sound foregroundSound, Sound backgroundSound)
SoundSample[] fg = foregroundSound.getSamples();
SoundSample[] bg = backgroundSound.getSamples();

// set length3 to the length of the shorter sound
int length3;
if ( fg.length < bg.length )
length3 = fg.length;
length3 = bg.length;

Sound s3 = new Sound (length3);
SoundSample[] ssarr3 = s3.getSamples();

int pos;

for ( pos = 0 ; pos < ssarr3.length ; pos++ )
int amplitude1 = fg[pos].getValue();
int bgp = pos;

while ( bgp >= bg.length )
bgp = bgp - bg.length ;

int amplitude2 = (bg[bgp].getValue())/3;

// combine the two amplitudes (add them together)
int amplitude3 = amplitude1 + amplitude2;

// check for clipping and resolve
if ( amplitude3 > 32767 )
amplitude3 = 32767;
if ( amplitude3 < -32768 )
amplitude3 = -32768;

// store the new amplitude value into sounnd s3
ssarr3[pos].setValue (amplitude3);

return s3;

} // end of Template class

take the Sound File and create a new sentence from those words.

//Sound File preamble.wav and create a new sentence from those words.
 //The sentence you are to create is:
//We order the common people to perfect liberty.
 //The entire text of the Preamble is:
 //We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure
//domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the
//Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United
 //States of America.

public class Lab14Babuze2

public static void main (String args[])
System.out.println("Begin Java Execution");

// put your Java Program here
String filename = FileChooser.pickAFile();
Sound s1 = new Sound (filename);

Sound s2 = crop (s1, 0, 15730);
Sound s3 = crop (s1, 55845, 65043);
Sound s4 = crop (s1, 15730, 17407);
Sound s5 = crop (s1, 189873, 193815);
Sound s6 = crop (s1, 17407, 26726);
Sound s7 = crop (s1, 63729, 66357);
Sound s8 = crop (s1, 77526, 85410);
Sound s9 = crop (s1, 270027,276597);

// crop the sounds
Sound s10 = join (s2, s3);
Sound s11 = join (s10, s4);
Sound s12 = join (s11, s5);
Sound s13 = join (s12, s6);
Sound s14 = join (s13, s7);
Sound s15 = join (s14, s8);
Sound s16 = join (s15, s9);

// Play the sounds using the "play command"

//esplore the sound in order to get the values

System.out.println("End Java Execution");

// Start a method
public static Sound crop (Sound s1, int startIndex, int endIndex)
SoundSample[] ssarr1 = s1.getSamples();

// set length3 to the length of the shorter sound
int length3 = endIndex - startIndex ;
Sound s3 = new Sound (length3);
SoundSample[] ssarr3 = s3.getSamples();

int pos;

// copy over s1 into the beginning of s3
for ( pos = startIndex ; pos < endIndex ; pos++ )
int amplitude1 = ssarr1[pos].getValue();

// store the new amplitude value into sounnd s3
ssarr3[ pos - startIndex ].setValue (amplitude1);

return s3;

public static Sound join (Sound s1, Sound s2)
SoundSample[] ssarr1 = s1.getSamples();
SoundSample[] ssarr2 = s2.getSamples();

// set length3 to the length of the shorter sound
int length3 = ssarr1.length + ssarr2.length ;
Sound s3 = new Sound (length3);
SoundSample[] ssarr3 = s3.getSamples();

int pos;

// copy over s1 into the beginning of s3
for ( pos = 0 ; pos < ssarr1.length ; pos++ )
int amplitude1 = ssarr1[pos].getValue();

// store the new amplitude value into sounnd s3
ssarr3[pos].setValue (amplitude1);

// copy over s2 into the end of s3
for ( pos = 0 ; pos < ssarr2.length ; pos++ )
int amplitude2 = ssarr2[pos].getValue();

// store the new amplitude value into sounnd s3
ssarr3[ ssarr1.length + pos ].setValue (amplitude2);

return s3;

} // end of Template class

A Turtle Drawing in java

//use the Turtle class to draw a large multifaceted geometrical shape onto a picture. These modifications are
 //to add "something" to the image. Normally this would be to draw something in the foreground of an image
//that is just a scene.
//*** a specific image was used for this project.

import java.awt.Color;

  public class proj1


public static void main(String[] args)


// file chooser to pick an image.

String filename = FileChooser.pickAFile();
Picture p = new Picture(filename);

//creat turtles.

Turtle t = new Turtle(p);
Turtle t1 = new Turtle(p);

// set pen width for both turtles.


// locating the turtles usind penUp.


// call a method to draw a rectangle
drawRectangle (t1,100,500);

// Drawing a flag for the ship.


int i1=0;
while (i1<10)

// draw a star

} // end while loop.

int i2 = 1;
int len;

while(i2 < 8)
len = i2 * 25 ;

// Call a method
drawHexagon (t, len);


} // End of while loop


public static void drawHexagon ( Turtle t, int size)
int i;
i = 1;
// Meathod to draw a Hexagon.
while (i <= 6)




public static void drawRectangle(Turtle t1,int sides, int length )

int i = 1;
while(i <= 4)

} // End of while Loop


creating silkscreen prints of common images 'java'

//creating silkscreen prints of common images
//you are to be inspired by Andy Warhol to create a collage of at least 4
 //different versions of the same original image.
 //At least two of the versions are to be posterizations using different final colors.
 //The other versions of the image can be done in anyway you like as long as they are not the same.
 //The different versions must be displayed in some grid format of at least size of 2x2 pictures.
 //The code for each version must be written in its own method.

import java.awt.Color;

public class Project3
public static void main(String[] args)


System.out.println("Begin Java Execution");

// put your Java Program here
// Prompt the user for a file

String filename;
filename = FileChooser.pickAFile();
System.out.println("Filename: " + filename);
Picture p = new Picture(filename);

int wid = p.getWidth();
int hgt = p.getHeight();

  System.out.println("The picture is " + wid + " pixels wide and " + hgt
+ " pixel high.");

Picture p2;
p2 = copiedPic(p);
//show the image
//p2.explore ();
System.out.println("End Java Execution");

// method to make copy from a picture and posterized it

public static Picture copiedPic(Picture p) {

int xPos, yPos;

int wid = p.getWidth();
int hgt = p.getHeight();

Picture result = new Picture(wid * 3, hgt * 2);

// loop for all the x values
for (xPos = 0; xPos < wid; ++xPos) {
// loop for the the Y values
for (yPos = 0; yPos < hgt; ++yPos)


// access a pixel and its color
Pixel pix = p.getPixel(xPos, yPos);
Color c1 = pix.getColor();

// store the color information into the resulting picture
Pixel pix1, pix2, pix3, pix4, pix5, pix6;

pix1 = result.getPixel(xPos, yPos);

pix2 = result.getPixel(xPos, yPos);

pix2 = result.getPixel(xPos + 2 * wid, yPos);

pix6 = result.getPixel(xPos, yPos);

pix6 = result.getPixel(xPos + 2 * wid, yPos + hgt);

pix3 = result.getPixel(xPos, yPos);

pix3 = result.getPixel(xPos, yPos + hgt);

pix4 = result.getPixel(xPos, yPos);

pix4 = result.getPixel(wid + xPos, yPos + hgt);

pix5 = result.getPixel(xPos, yPos);

pix5 = result.getPixel(wid + xPos, yPos);

// access the color values of that pixel
int red = pix3.getRed();
int green = pix3.getGreen();
int blue = pix3.getBlue();

// modify the color values of the pixel
int grayAmount;
grayAmount = (int) Math.round((red * 0.299) + (green * 0.587)
+ (blue * 0.114));

computeImage1(grayAmount, pix3); //calls the method to generate image 1 and sends the grayamount and the pixel to it
computeImage2(grayAmount, pix4);
computeImage3(grayAmount, pix5);
computeImage4(grayAmount, pix1);
computeImage5(grayAmount, pix2);
computeImage6(grayAmount, pix6);

return result;
// Start method computeImage set colors for the first Image.
public static void computeImage1(int grayAmount, Pixel pix3) {
int red;
int green;
int blue;

if (grayAmount < 128) {
red = 100;
green = 230;
blue = 34;
} else {
red = 200;
green = 105;
blue = 80;

// restore the color value of the pixel
} // End method
// Start method computeImage2 set colors for the second Image.
public static void computeImage2(int grayAmount, Pixel pix4) {
int red;
int green;
int blue;

if (grayAmount < 128) {
red = 100;
green = 50;
blue = 250;
} else {
red = 0;
green = 0;
blue = 0;
} //End Method
// Start method computeImage3 set colors for the third Image.
public static void computeImage3(int grayAmount, Pixel pix5) {
int red;
int green;
int blue;

if (grayAmount < 128) {
red = 100;
green = 50;
blue = 250;
} else {
red = 10;
green = 255;
blue = 127;
} //End method
// Start method computeImage4 set colors for the fourth Image.
public static void computeImage4(int grayAmount, Pixel pix1) {
int red;
int green;
int blue;

if (grayAmount < 128) {
red = 255;
green = 254;
blue = 102;
} else {
red = 177;
green = 101;
blue = 255;
} //End method
// Start method computeImage5 set colors for the Five Image.
public static void computeImage5(int grayAmount, Pixel pix2) {
int red;
int green;
int blue;

if (grayAmount < 128) {
red = 254;
green = 103;
blue = 103;
} else {
red = 104;
green = 254;
blue = 104;

} //End method
// Start method computeImage6 set colors for the six Image.
public static void computeImage6(int grayAmount, Pixel pix6) {
int red;
int green;
int blue;

if (grayAmount < 128) {
red = 255;
green = 27;
blue = 139;
} else {
red = 104;
green = 104;
blue = 254;
} //End method

}// end of Template class

Hiding a Text Message in a Sound 'java"

//This project will use a technique called "steganography" to encode a text message. Steganography is
//basically hiding one set of data within another set of data.
//For this project we want to take an ascii text message and hide it into the a sound file. We will also want to
//be able to extract the message. For this we will need to write one program that can either encode a text
 //message into a sound or extract a message from a sound. Your program will first first prompt the user to
 //enter the value of either 1 or 2. If the user enters a 1, your program is to perform the encoding.

public class Project


public static void main(String[] args) {
// Ask user for what to do
int select = SimpleInput.getIntNumber("what would you like to execute?\n\n1: Encrypt a text message into sound\n2: Extract a text message from a sound");
if (select == 1) {
// Hide The Message
String inputFile = FileChooser.pickAFile();
// prompt user for a file
String message = SimpleInput.getString("Type the message you want to hide in the sound file:");
String outputFile = SimpleInput.getString("Filename of modified sound: ");
encodeSound(inputFile, outputFile, message);
// Encrypt message in inputFile and save it to outputFile
} else if (select == 2) {
// get the hidden text message from file
String inputFile = FileChooser.pickAFile();
decodeMessage(inputFile); // Decode the message in inputFile
} else {
System.exit(1); // Exits if any other digit is input

// Hides a text message in a sound file.
public static void encodeSound(String inputFile, String outputFile, String message)
// Create the sound file
Sound s = new Sound(inputFile);
int nbrOfSamples = message.length() * 3;
// Calculate the number of samples needed for the message including the terminating null character
smoothAmpValues(s, nbrOfSamples + 3);
// Set the one's of the amplitude values to zero.

for (int g = 0; g < nbrOfSamples; g++) {
// Iterate over all samples needed
int asciiValue = (int) message.charAt(g / 3);
// Acquire ascii value for the current character
int digit = getDecimalDigit(asciiValue, g % 3);
// Acquire next digit to encode
int ampValue;
if (s.getSampleValueAt(g) >= 0)
// If amplitude is positive
ampValue = s.getSampleValueAt(g) + digit; // then add new value
{ // If amplitude is negative
ampValue = s.getSampleValueAt(g) - digit; // then subtract new value
// Special cases
if (ampValue > 32767)
ampValue = ampValue - 10;
if (ampValue < -32768)
ampValue = ampValue + 10;

s.setSampleValueAt(g, ampValue); // Replace amplitude value in the sound object
try {
// Save the encoded sound file
} catch (SoundException e) {
// Exit program

// start a method to set the one's didgit in the frst sample to zero.
public static void smoothAmpValues(Sound s, int nbrOfSamples)
for (int g = 0; g < nbrOfSamples; g++) {
int ampValue = s.getSampleValueAt(g);
int modAmpValue = ampValue - ampValue % 10;
// Set one's digit to zero
s.setSampleValueAt(g, modAmpValue);
// Replace amplitude value in sound object

// start a method to get certain digit from an integer (asciicode =)
public static int getDecimalDigit (int asciiCode, int decimalDigitPosition) {
for (int i = 0; i < decimalDigitPosition; i++) {
asciiCode = asciiCode / 10;
return Math.abs(asciiCode % 10);

//start a method to decode the message.
public static void decodeMessage(String filename) {
Sound s = new Sound(filename);
// Create sound file
SoundSample[] samples = s.getSamples();
// Acquire the samples from the sound file
int[] digit = new int[3];
// collection containing the three digits of an ascii code
String message = "";
int sampleIndex = 0;
boolean nullReached = false;

while (!nullReached) {
digit[0] = getDecimalDigit(samples[sampleIndex].getValue(), 0); // Acquire the digits
digit[1] = getDecimalDigit(samples[sampleIndex + 1].getValue(), 0);
digit[2] = getDecimalDigit(samples[sampleIndex + 2].getValue(), 0);
int asciiValue = digit[0] + digit[1] * 10 + digit[2] * 100; // and change to the ascii code

if (digit[0] == digit[1] && digit[1] == digit[2] && digit[2] == 0)
// Exit if null character is reached
nullReached = true;
message += (char) asciiValue;
// Attach the next hidden character to the message string
sampleIndex += 3;
if (sampleIndex > samples.length - 1) {
// Print error message and end program if null character is never reached
SimpleOutput.showError("Null character never reached. Possible reason: no hidden text in file.");
SimpleOutput.showInformation(message); // Display the hidden message.


Friday, May 4, 2012



by Bi
The life under occupation is such a miserable life; it has demolished the future of
many people, although it has had a huge constructive impact on my life. To be occupied means to deal with your enemy every day and to face many obstacles every day, but my day was like an adventure or a journey. It started with the sunrise and ended with the sunset. I was born in Jordan in a poor family and we barely could cover life’s expenses.
Some years later, we learned that my grandpa in Palestine was very sick; therefore, we decided to move to Palestine to stay with him. Although two of my uncles were there in Palestine, my father was really eager to be with his father.
While we were in the small car heading to our village of, we were stopped at a
checkpoint by Israeli soldiers. We got out of the car. The weather was extremely hot and the humidity was high too; thus, all of us were sweating like peasants who have been working the whole day. That time was the first time for me meeting Israeli soldiers. I asked my father, “Who are they?” “Do not be anxious; tomorrow you will know,” he said. After hearing these words, I got terrified and thought I was going to see these soldiers with huge Dobermans and plenty of
weapons hung on their military suits every day. After we arrived to the village, we fell into a long sleep because it was such an exhausting day for us.
Everything changed in my life: new school, new friends, new environment and the occupation issue which I had never experienced before. The First week went quickly and a lot of people came to greet us. By the second week, almost everything took its place. My father started working with my uncle in his grocery store and my brother and I registered in the school.
On the second day of school, while I was heading to my home, I saw a lot of children running away. I thought something went wrong, but I did not pay any attention. I had almost made it to my home, but suddenly while I was walking in the alley, I faced him, the one I was worried of. Yes it was the Doberman dog with widely opened jaws and his tongue was leaning to the left, with spit falling on the ground like a lava flow. I could feel his hot breath burning into my face; at that moment, I was sweating. Although the weather was nice, the situation was not. While the dog was barking at me, a whistle came from behind me, and the dog responded to it by running to its direction. The sound of the whistle was like a relief for me. After reaching home, I learned that the dog belonged to the Israeli soldiers and because of this, the children were fleeing to their homes.
That situation took out the fear from my heart and I started to look to everything around me as a challenge. The First step I took forward was demolishing the myth of the Doberman dog. By encouraging others not to fear that dog and to be as one hand all the time, so that the dog would fear us and never come back. After the dog had become a usual thing in our society, my friends and I started to think about the soldiers and the curfew, and what we could do about them. After a week of discussion, I came up with an idea that we cooperate with friends from

other neighborhoods; therefore, I went with a bunch of friends to the nearest neighborhood, and we talked to the children there about our ideas and we mentioned to them the success we had before. The results were that all of our allies in this plan would ignore any curfew, and if any one of us got caught by a solider, we would do any thing to release him.Two years later, my grandpa passed away; therefore, my family decided to go back to Jordan.
This decision shocked me, and I felt that my heart exploded like the big bang. “I want to stay in Palestine, I want struggle and strive with my friends” I said, “It is time to leave Bilal, enough is enough” my father said.
Night before we left, all of my friends came to see me; although there was a curfew. Fortunately, all of them hade made it safe to my home. Many of them brought me gifts, I remember a friend who was very poor, and he could not buy me anything, but he gave me a little stone, with the word of Palestine was sculptured on it. This stone was very valuable to my heart.

When almost all of my friends gathered, I said to my self, “I should say something to them”. As I stood front of them, the words started going out from my mouth, like pure water from spring. “What we have done in our small village, is considered to be a big victory in the minds of all children. Tears will never bring us a victory or even do anything for us. Yes we are occupied, so lets take the advantages of this occupation. Lets make it constructive to us, not destructive”. Then we all went out to the street and shouted “soon or later you will see Palestine will be free”.